Oleksandra Krypiakevych-Tsehelska against the background of her tapestry "Mystery of Eternity". Late 1960s
Oleksandra Krypiakevych-Tsehelska. Early 1970s
The weaving shop collective of the art production plant in Olesko. Oleksandra Krypiakevych-Tsehelska is second from the left. 1970s
The collective of the weaving art production plant in Olesko. Oleksandra Krypiakevych-Tsehelska is at far left. 1970s
At the International Symposium on Tapestry in Riga. Oleksandra Krypiakevych-Tsehelska is on the right in the first row. 1974
Volodymyr Patyk and Oleksandra Krypiakevych-Tsehelska. 1970s
The craftsmen are weaving Oleksandra Krypyakevych-Tsehelska’s curtain for the Palace of Culture in Dubno. 1980s
Nataliia Pauk, Oleksandra Krypiakevych-Tsehelska and Iryna Hrechka during the work on the triptych "Seasons" for the interior decoration of the sanatorium "Berezka" in Truskavets. 1980
Nataliia Pauk and Oleksandra Krypiakevych-Tsehelska during the work on the triptych "Seasons" for the interior decoration of the sanatorium "Berezka" in Truskavets. 1980